Center for Efficient Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation Systems
A multi-institution Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) for Efficient Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation Systems (EV-STS). This a center supports the U.S. automotive/ground transportation industry's efforts to meet demanding new federal regulations governing vehicle fuel economy and emissions, as well as society's expectations for improved sustainability in economic and personal activities. The EV-STS center engages the industry's critical stakeholders - vehicle manufacturers, component and system suppliers, fleet operators, ground transportation industry infrastructure providers, and state and local governments - in identifying important efficiency/sustainability related problems, and formulating a research program that develops innovative solutions. EV-STS center at ASU leverages collaborations among corporate, government, and academic partners to conduct and disseminate industry-relevant research on technologies and tools that facilitate the design, manufacture, deployment, and operation of energy efficient, environmentally sustainable ground vehicles. The scope of this mission includes passenger cars, light- and heavy duty trucks, and motorized off-road equipment. It encompasses both vehicle-level technologies, and the infrastructure and transportation systems that incorporate ground vehicles.